Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Essential Question Media Sources

An article on The Boston Marathon Bombing talks about how even though this was a tragic and terrifying event, it will not stop Boston from housing the Boston marathon, and its citizens to support it. This directly relates to my essential question about fear running peoples lives. There are two options for people coming out of this tragic event, hide, and not go out again, or continue on with life as if nothing happened.
Aurora Theater shooting: six months later talks about the hardships and grief the victims of the aurora shooting have gone through. Some people have come together to get over what happened, some are still tied down with pain. They are reopening the aurora theater where the shooting happened. Some of the victims denounce the idea, others want to go. Along with that, some people want the death penalty given to the shooter, some don’t.
Scared of talking to girls? Become a beast. Simple pickup helps guys who are too afraid to talk to girls do just that, talk to girls. They have a specific emotion they try to target that they call “bitch butterflies” (I’ll say BB for short, and so I don't say b****). BB’s are the emotion you get in your stomach when you are too afraid to do something
Why horror fascinates us says that we are attracted to fear. We wanna feel the adrenaline rush of being terrified in an environment that is safe.

This picture of a scary clown talks about peoples personal fears. Some people are afraid of heights, bugs, etc. But its really just how you look at things.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


If you could be in any movie, book or TV show, what would it be, why and what character would you be?

If I could be in any movie I would be in Goal. Goal is about a little Mexican boy who comes to the US illegally with his family. That part doesn't really matter, but what happens is he's really good at soccer and a scout for NewCastle United sees him and gives him a trial with the team in England. At first, he REALLY sucks but then he pulls his stuff together and makes the team. The movie shows him scoring goals and doing all the things that the pro life allows you to do like parties etc.

I would want to be in Goal because it has always been my dream to be a professional soccer player in England. Hopefully one day this will happen to me for real :)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Blog Carnival: Foreign Country

For our blog carnival we asked, if you could got school in a foreign country, which country would you pick and why? Naturally, we received a number of responses. Some of them were quite bizarre while others were your average Joe. All in all our class displayed great intelligence and creativity.
Gabe went against our instruction and picked multiple countries. Although he isn’t very good at following instructions, he blogs like a champ. His top choice was Ireland because he has heritage there and enjoys Irish step dancing. Haimei was very open minded in answering this question. She would be happy going anywhere in the world because she hasn’t had the opportunity to travel very much. So i decided where she should go. I would send Haimei to Greenland. It’s a very relaxing country and I feel she would fit in very well there because she reminds me of an ice princess and it’s a very icy country. My boy Wyatt would want to attend a prestigious university in Zurich because you can get an undergraduate degree in Artificial Intelligence. This school offers students the opportunity to study hands on with some of the worlds largest robots. Also for one of the final projects at this school in Switzerland students have to design a robot that is capable of finding your soulmate. Pretty neat stuff. Moving along...
Mitch’s blog contained some racial slurs..but he would not want to go to Mexico. He would want to go to Canada. He chose Canada because he really likes maple leaves. Mitch then went on to talk badly about the rest of the world. Classy. Connor also wants to go to Ireland. He has a lot of distant relatives who hail from Ireland. Connor is actually related to Annie Moore, who was the first immigrant to be processed through Ellis Island! Wow!! Meghan decided England would be the best for her. She also liked France but feels she would be overwhelmed by the language barrier. She then linked a video to the Taylor Swift Goat screaming song at the end of her blog. Great touch.
Kaela decided she wants to go down under to Australia. She seems to think Australia is warm like Colorado... Ok Kaela... Moving on to Matt who was the only educated blogger and picked the #1 country in education, which is apparently Finland. Who knew. MacLean would want to stay with his family and go to school in Scotland. We all know its really for the accent though. Wesley wants to go to Spain for its historical background, and of course its amazing soccer. Good choice. Last but not least we have Keren who decided she would go to school in Israel. It seems this was an easy choice for her considering she was born there and has heritage there.
We were very impressed by all of your submissions, some more than others... It was nice to see that no country was picked twice, and it just shows how many great places there are on earth.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Personal Narative

I remember vividly the fear and anxiety starting to set in during the overseas flight in January 2012. I was on my way to Switzerland to spend 6 months at a European high school. The next time I felt feelings that strong was the night before my first day of school.
I was going to a local high school in Neuchatel, an advanced scientific based IB high school. The high level courses are in French and help prepare students for some of the best colleges in Europe like the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.  Although I had two years of high school French, I barely understood when people spoke and certainly couldn’t express myself well.  
So the night before “Day 1” I just layed in bed, imagining the best and worst case scenarios of what the next day would bring. I held onto each moment as if it was the most pleasurable second of my life. I did not want tomorrow to come because it would be so new, difficult, and foreign. I was both excited and intimidated by what I was about to encounter.   I would look at the clock and think, “six hours left of joy... three hours left of joy...” My alarm went off, zero hours left. The time had come to face the situation head on. Physically, I got out of bed, took a shower, ate breakfast and prepared for what was to come. Mentally however, I was psyching myself up and out but doing my best not to show it.  My father walked me down a steep hill, across the street, and into the school. Then he left me, and I was on my own. I walked up the spiral staircase to my first class.
I was used to the American school system where you went into class, sat down and waited for the bell to ring. This was not how things were done in Switzerland. Like an idiot, I unknowingly walked past my classmates and tried to open the door to Room 202, Biology. It was locked. Completely embarrassed and confused I walked away from the door and just watched the others. The door opened ten minutes later, after the bell had rung and the students entered the room. I got out of my reclusive state and followed. Looking around I quickly decided on a seat in the back of the classroom. The classroom was very small, with three rows of five wide desks. Each desk had room for two students and was facing towards the blackboard, yes blackboard, where the teacher taught. I had never seen a blackboard before then and realized I was far from home.
After an hour of trying to understand what was going on, I watched as the class got up for a break. I remained seated, mostly because I had no idea what the teacher had said.  I felt lost and alone. Three girls, who I would later know as Neige, Noemi, and Lesly, came up to me and asked me a question. I didn't understand. They repeated: “Comment t'appelles tu?”  What is your name? As if I wasn't embarrassed when I tried to open the door earlier, I didn't even understand them asking my name! At this point I realized I was in for a long six months.
But fortunately that wouldn’t end up being the case. After two months, I was able to communicate with my classmates, but not well. After four months I had become their friend and was socializing with them outside of school. By the time the six months was over I was almost fluent in French and very attached to the European lifestyle I had experienced and enjoyed.
When the time came to return to Colorado, I was excited to be going home and to see my old friends again but sad to leave my new Swiss friends from school and soccer. I wouldn't realize until later that this was one of the most difficult yet best experiences of my life. My semester in Switzerland was uncomfortable and challenging but ultimately opened my mind to a new culture, a new language and new ways of living and learning.  I will never forget the unbelievable experiences and challenges I had to endure and know that this time abroad will impact my life forever.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012



A word of sorrow, but what makes suicide acceptable, and what makes it unacceptable? Suicide in general is a last resort for people. When life has them thinking they can go no further. That's the exact thought i want to expand on.
In the case of someone who is depressed and feels they cannot move on, when they commit suicide, should they be looked down upon? Compared to someone who is trapped, or are in a situation where they have a 0% chance of survival. Suicide in general is not the right option. Life will always lead you somewhere, it may just take some time. But when life is certain to end, why not enjoy your last moments and let yourself be taken naturally?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Welcome to my Blog!

My name is Eric, but most people call me Kronie. I was born in Wisconsin, and moved to Colorado when i was 4. I've gone through the BVSD school system all my life, except for last year. 6 months ago I spent a semester abroad in Switzerland. Now I'm back in Colorado finishing my High School career.

I play soccer for FHS and for the Colorado Rapids Academy.